Pekan Kedua Agresi Gaza: 780 Gugur dan 3250 Lebih Terluka

[ 09/01/2009 – 03:56 ]
Source : Infopalestina.Com

Gaza-Infopalestina: Korban serangan serdadu Israel yang dilancarkan lewat darat, udara dan laut terus bertambah. Menginjak pekan kedua gempuran ke Gaza sudah lebih dari 780 korban meninggal dan 3250 lainya luka-luka.

Menurut Direktur Layanan Ambulan dan Emergency Departemen Kesehatan Palestina, Dr. Muawiyah Husnain menyebutkan, jumlah syuhada terus meningkat mencapai 780 syuhada, kebanyakan anak-anak dan wanita. Pada Kamis (8/1), tim medis menemukan lebih dari 50 jenazah yang meninggal akibat kebidaban Israel.

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[Live Report] Day 12 of Israeli War On Gaza

Death toll 710, injured 3200 and most of them Civilians

By: Sameh A. Habeeb

Dear Editors, Journalists and Friends,
Some of you do wonder how I send news in such conditions. I really suffer a lot to send you this update due to lack of power. I go around 4 kilo meters a day in this cruel war where I charge my laptop battery to be able to send this work! This is very risky since shells rain down and drones hover over me! I will keep this up.

This is a new report for the 12th day of Gaza War and the outcomes of Israeli invasion. For more reporting, breaking news, interviews and accounts in Gaza, you could reach me on my contact info below. Please try both numbers below because there is a big problem in communication resulted in Israeli power cuts.

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Gaza’s Traumatized Children

By Sameh A. Habeeb, IOL Correspondent

GAZA CITY — Having nowhere to hide even inside UN-run schools, the latest Israeli target, more than 215 children have been killed so far in Israel’s ongoing military offensive against the sealed off Gaza Strip.

But for many, that’s not the worst part of the nightmare.

Having lost a father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, friend or neighbor, about every child in the bombed-out costal enclave has been traumatized and will keep physical and mental scars for years. has interviewed several children to talk about their feelings regarding Israeli onslaught.

Huda, 7

I hate this war and I hear that Israel will come to our house soon.

I always get nightmares of rockets hitting my house. I dreamt of my father being killed by one of the rockets and my mother got her neck racked.

In the nightmare, I was searching for my brothers who were taken far away by the Israeli tanks.

I’m unhappy and I want to play again in my house. I hope no bad things happen.

Abed, 3
I don’t like darkness. It’s when the sounds of bad things come out.

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