Fact of GAZA








The Gaza Strip (also known as Gaza) is a coastal strip of land along the Mediterranean Sea, 45 km (25 miles) long and at most 10 km (6 miles) wide. It borders Egypt to it south-west and Israel to its north and east.

Image courtesy of BBC News


Nearly 1.5 million Palestinians live in Gaza, many of them concentrated in one-half of the territory. In this area, the population density is nearly 20,000 people per square mile, one of the highest in the world. Over one-half of its residents are children. In addition, with an annual growth rate of nearly 3.5%, Gaza’s young and fertile population is projected to reach over 2 million people in 8 years.

More than three quarters of Gaza’s residents are refugees who were driven from their homes during past wars with Israel (in 1948 and 1967), and their descendants. Israel has permanently barred their return. Over half of these refugees still reside in Gaza’s eight refugee camps.

Overall, there are over five million Palestinians living in Israel and the occupied territories of West Bank and Gaza, while a quarter of them live in Gaza which is 1.5% of the whole territory. Most Gazans live on less than $2 a day with deteriorating health and malnutrition, and up to 80 percent are dependent on food aid, according to humanitarian groups.



The Gaza Strip is not recognized internationally as part of any sovereign country.

Egypt, which governed the Gaza Strip from 1948-1967 controls the southern border between the Gaza strip and the Sinai desert (however the de-facto control of this border rests with Israel).

Israel, which governed the Gaza Strip from 1967-2005, still controls the strip’s airspace, territorial water and offshore maritime access, as well as its side of the Gaza-Israeli border. This continued control has allowed the Israeli state, which opposes Hamas, to control the inflow and outflow of multiple types of resources, including food, electricity, water, fuel, import/export goods and humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

The Gaza Strip is currently claimed by the Palestinian Authority as part of the Palestinian territories, though following the June 2007 battle of Gaza, actual control of the area is in the hands of the de facto government dominated by Hamas. However, Israel still remains the ultimate power controlling territorial access and flow of all resources to the Gaza Strip.

Prior to Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005, the United States considered the Gaza Strip to be an Israel-occupied territory. Following the withdrawal, no official US government statement has been made on the status of the Strip. However, the CIA World Factbook on the Gaza Strip (an official U.S. government publication), which was last updated on December 18th, 2008, continues to list the Gaza Strip as an Israeli-occupied territory.

Hamas or “Movement of Islamic Resistance” was founded in the Gaza Strip shortly after the outbreak of the first Palestinian intifada in December 1987. It was established by Palestinian members of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization founded in the 1920s in Egypt, whose emergence in the Gaza Strip was initially welcomed by Israeli military authorities as an alternative to the PLO.

Hamas is not a member organization of the PLO, and has opposed the Oslo accords. It initially treated the Palestinian Authority – a product of the accords – as illegitimate, and refused to participate in the first Palestinian Authority elections in 1996. However, it fielded candidates in municipal elections in January 2005, winning majorities on 28 of 84 town councils in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Hamas members also participated in elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council held in January 2006, although running under the banner of the “Change and Reform Party.” The new party promised reforms of the Palestinian Authority and more steadfast support of Palestinian rights to freedom and independence. It did not, however, reiterate Hamas’s goal of establishing an Islamic state in Palestine. In 2006, Change and Reform Party candidates took 74 of 132 seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council, and the party, under the leadership of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, formed a new Palestinian government.

Main Sources of Information: Reuters News, Wikipedia, and IMEU

Source : gazasiege.org

Israel War Crimes Maps

Updated map of the conflict in Gaza. Israel indicated for the first time on Sunday that an end was in sight to its war on Hamas, amid some of the heaviest clashes of an offensive that has killed nearly 900 people in the Gaza Strip.

Gaza Strip

Gaza children looking for food in a garbage

In Fact, Israel has no such land in this world because in a long history they are trouble makers people (not at all) then they take over Palestine land with helped from England and the Israel doll, UN and US untill now

Middle East


Map Of Gaza City, Palestine



13 thoughts on “Fact of GAZA

  1. Hail palestine mujahiddeen… Allahuakbar!!

    Israel will be destroyed by Allah’s army… InsyaAllah… Jihad..!

  2. Allahu akbar…
    Allahu akbar…
    ya Allah tolonglah saudara2 muslim kami di palestina,,,hancurkan israel ya Allah..

  3. Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib suatu kaum / bangsa jika mereka tak mau mengubahnya….. palestina akan terus akan bergolak ghingga akhir masa dan akan sama nasib negara negara yg beragama islam yg mayoritas jika dunia negara negara islam tak bersatu untuk melenyaapkan israel dari peta dunia….karena tidak akan senang yahudi dan nasrani jika kita tak mengikuti agamanya
    masa ininilah yg seperti di gambarkan oleh Jujungan Kita Nabi Muhammmmmmmmmad SAW dalam hadisnya kelak umat islam akan di santap seperti hidangan yg tersedia di meja

    teruslah berjuang wahaiii Mujahiiid di bumi pelastina dan di afganistan dan di mana mana yg bergejolak

    sesungguhnya kalian tidak lah mati melainkan hidup disisi Allah dengan di beri rizki yg tak ternilaiiii

    bersatulah wahiiii umat yg terbaiiik jadikanlah ini tonggak berdirinya islam yg kokoh karna udah 15 abad berlalu kejayaaan islam lenyap

    kini saaatnya kita buktikan bahwa kita umat yg terbaiiik

    Allahhu Akbar….1000000X

  4. Gw pernah mengurut dada, ada juga yang masih nyalahih hamas. Gw males ladenin mereka, gw udah bilang kalian itu harus banyak baca dan memperluas Pengetahuan, baca buku tokoh yahudi liberal seperti yuri avnery, ilan pape, tom segev dan rachel corrie. buka internet, supaya pada tau tragedi sabra dan satila, deir yassin, dll. jangan asal bacot aja bilang hamas ini perang pake human shield di Gaza. mereka ini kategory orang sok tau tapi dodol dengan pengetahuan yang cupet.gak tau mereka yang di gaza dikurung ampir 2 th, gak bisa nyari obat, makanan, bbm. TAU GAK MEREKA NYARI BAHAN KEBUTUAHN POKOK SAMPE GALI TEROWONGAN DAN MENGENDAP BERKILO2. BAGI YANG GAK TAU APA2 TTG PERJUANG PALESTINA GAK USAH SOK TAU ASAL TULIS YA..PLEASE DEH…

  5. Tuhan itu adil masuk sorga kondisi saat ini berat pintu sorga hampir tertutup makanya Tuhan masih membuka pintu sorga dari jihad di pelastina dan afganistan jadi jangan kasihan melihat orang disana itu kehemdak Tuhan. jangan perang jihad di indonesia disini banyak orang muslim dan tidak ada orang kafir yg melawan jadi disini bkn jihad namanya jahad yg mati sudara sendiri….ok …coy

  6. sekarang Israel dah pelajarin semua tentang sakitnya hidup, diusir di eropa, di bantai di berlin dan dianggap golongan kelas bawah oleh Nazisme, kalah dalam perang Arab. Karena itu mereka jauh lebih kuat daripada sebelumnya, dan mereka dah rasain semua itu, mereka bisa sekejam itu karena mereka pernah menjadi budak, dibantai, diusir dari tanah air palestine (yang menurut mereka tanah mereka). Hamas nggak pernah salah kukz,bahkan yang membuat palestina bertahan sampai saat ini (Atas idzin Allah s.w.t) adalah Hamas. Pandangan mereka yang menyalahkan hamas karena mereka ber-ideologi bahwa ini bukan perang agama tapi hanya perang kelompok yang mana hanya melibatkan anggota kelompok tersebut, tapi sebenarnya ini perang agama yang mutlak dan benar-benar jelas terlihat dimata kita, yang melibatkan seluruh umat muslim (buktinya orang tua,remaja,anak-anak,lansia,bahkan bayi pun yang status nya seorang muslim dibunuh, padahal seorang bayi tau apa tentang perang..??? nyata kan bukan perang kelompok..??) saran saya : jika kita ingin menjadi kuat jauhilah bersenang-senang karena kita akan larut didalamnya dan sangat susah untuk keluar darinya, terus berlatih, terus belajar tentang perang dan alat-alat yang canggih, tak pernah menyerah tuk menghadapi sesuatu hal, terus bertawakkal pada Allah, ingat selalu dan laksankan perintahnya dan buang jauh larangannya, niat ikhlas berperang hanya untuk meninggikan kalimat Allah s.w.t tanpa ada sesuatu yang diinginkan selain niat kita semisal untuk: kemerdekaan atau untuk ketenaran, insya Allah dengan begitu Allah akan membantu kita dalam meninggikan kalimat Allah (jihad fi sabilillah) sampai kemenangan tercapai…

  7. Manakala ada orang israel datang ke negara asing, tangkap saja untuk sandra tapi jangan sampai dibunuh

  8. oh muslims, you become blind. don’t you see ? jews god or in one of his different names ALLA, gave the holy land to the Jews (sura 5, sura 7 and sura 17) just open the Kuran and read.
    Ask yourself how 1500 rockets which shout from Gaza to Israel made so poor damage ? how the same happend out of the thousants rockets of the hizballa ? and the same results out of the rockets from Iraq alonf the golf war ???
    The rason is Israel have the great shild of Alla, if you like it or not is better for the real belive muslims to except the God wishes and decisions, to eliminate more suffer.

  9. Hi every body
    if amercia’s attack in Iraq then its all right,
    if amercia’s attack in afghanistan then its all right,
    if India attack in Kashmir then its all right,
    if Russia attack in chechenai thne its all right
    and if crimnals israelis attack on innocent palastain’s childern nd women then its all right BECAUSE the victims r all Muslims, their misltak is only tht they r Muslims, no one in this whole world who can stop these violence specially what is happening in palsitain(Gaza),
    please stop this violence, please stop this vilonce
    plz stop this bloody actions before u come under these situations when childrens are seeking 4 their food on dust ban, patients are dying in hospitals just because there are no medicens for them, women are going to b widow because their husbands have been targeted of Israelis bloody violence,
    its my request to all human what ever their cast, religion, country, age, gender are, plzzzzzzzzzzzz assure ur efforts to stop these violence, bloody actions, histrasoties

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