Worldwide protests denounce Israel

Demonstrators in Srinagar continue to rally against Israeli air strikes in Gaza [AFP]

Saturday, January 03, 2009
14:49 Mecca time, 11:49 GMT

Angry protests against Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip are continuing with Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, witnessing a noisy demonstration.

More such rallies are to be held on Saturday across the world, including one protest being planned in the United Kingdom.

Protesters in Kabul pumped their fists into the air and shouted slogans against Israel and the US, its staunchest ally.

In Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir, protests continued as activists burned an effigy of Ehud Olmert, Israel’s prime minister.

In Ramallah in the West Bank, Palestinians seeking national unity are marching down the streets, undeterred by clashes with riot police.

A Palestinian solidarity group in Turkey said it is organising a rally in Ankara to speak out against the Gaza assault.

In the UK, about 18 protests across the country are expected to draw up to 20,000 people during the day.

Nadim Baba, Al Jazeera’s correspondent reporting from London, said protest organisers there were expecting a big turnout.

Global outrage

On Friday, riot police clashed with protesters in Jerusalem and in the Jordanian capital Amman, firing teargas to push back hundreds of demonstrators marching towards the Israeli embassy. Several protesters were beaten and arrested by police.

More than 10,000 people marched through Indonesia’s capital carrying banners and Palestinian flags. The demonstrators gathered in the city centre to pray for the
safety of Palestinians before marching to the US embassy, which was guarded by hundreds of police.

Protests were also held in other Indonesian cities after Friday prayers.

People shouted anti-Israel slogans
during a rally in Moscow [EPA]

In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood called for marches nationwide. Hundreds of riot police were deployed around key mosques in Cairo in anticipation of the protests. Egyptian police also detained 40 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, security officials said.

Thousands of people were out in Istanbul to support the Palestinians and show their outrage at Israel.

In Australia, more than 4,000 people gathered in the Parry Park in Sydney. Five local mosques had closed, asking worshippers to attend the vigil instead of the traditional Friday prayers.

Ibrahim Abu Mohammad, a local imam, led the service, urging Israel to recognise a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and agree to a ceasefire.

“Israel is committing an act of terrorism. It’s the duty of all the free people in the world to stand against it and stop this evil,” he said.

Hundreds took to the streets of the Bangladesh capital Dhaka after the Friday prayers and in the Philippines, dozens of demonstrators gathered in Manila, accusing Israel of war crimes.

In the Pakistani capital Islamabad, demonstrators called on the Arab and Muslim world to stop what they called the massacre committed against the population of Gaza.

Source : Al Jazeera

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